PEBB Eligible Employees: ACTION REQUIRED!! – Spousal Surcharge Attestation for 2016

If you will be covering a spouse or registered domestic partner on your PEBB medical coverage in 2016, you must re-attest to the Spousal Surcharge before November 30 if:

  • You currently are paying the $50 a month surcharge; or
  • Your spouse/registered domestic partner elected not to enroll on their employer-based plan in 2015, and you currently are not paying the spousal surcharge because of one of the following:
    • Your spouse/partner’s coverage is not comparable to the Uniform plan. Or
    • The premium for their plan was $89.31 or more a month.
  • You are adding your spouse/registered domestic partner to your coverage in 2016.

You do not need to re-attest if your spouse/registered domestic partner:

  • Is a PEBB employee
  • Is not eligible for coverage through their employer
  • Is not employed
  • Did not have a plan offered through their employer in their county of resident
  • Is enrolled in their employer’s plan

Attest by logging onto your HCA My Account, OR submitting a completed 2016 Premium Surcharge Change Form*. Use the 2016 Premium Surcharge Help Sheet to fill out the form.

Failure to attest during Open Enrollment will result in a $50 per month surcharge applied to your monthly premium. You will not be able to have this charge removed unless there is a Special Open Enrollment event (change in your spouse’s job, divorce, ec.)

For more information or to ask questions, please contact HRS at 509-335-4521 or email

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