Learning opportunity spotlight

Develop your skills with these upcoming courses & opportunities!

  • Workplace Communication: Giving & Receiving Feedback, May 14
    Learn more and register for Workplace Communication

    Review the development stages of teams and the importance of clear communication in the workplace. Using an interactive survey, participants will identify different communication styles, including their own, and the skills required to give feedback effectively.

  • Supervisor Support Roundtable Discussion, May 15
    Learn more and register for Supervisor Support Roundtable Discussion

    Facilitated by HRS subject matter experts, this two-hour roundtable discussion and Q&A session provides an opportunity for supervisors to bring their questions, concerns, challenges, and struggles related to all aspects of the employee lifecycle. Prerequisite required: Completion of WSU Training for Supervisors Journey core requirements.

  • Q&A with author Dave Mitchell, presented by Bite-Size Book Club, June 4
    Learn more and register for Q&A with author Dave Mitchell

    For over 25 years, Mitchell has delivered light-hearted presentations surrounding communication styles, conflict resolution, and interpersonal relationships through his “laugh and learn” style. Join this unique system-wide opportunity to interact with this entertaining author and fellow readers for this informational, interactive, and fun session. Registration in the BSBS spring series is not required.

The Notices and Announcements section is provided as a service to the WSU community for sharing events such as lectures, trainings, and other highly transactional types of information related to the university experience. Information provided and opinions expressed may not reflect the understanding or opinion of WSU. Accuracy of the information presented is the responsibility of those who submitted it. The self-uploaded posts are reviewed for compliance with state statutes and ethics guidelines but are not edited for spelling, grammar, or clarity.

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WSU researchers awarded new NIH grant to study medical ableism

College of Medicine researchers received a $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study medical ableism through a national survey of people with disabilities.