Women’s Leadership Conference April 2

The Women’s Leadership Conference (WLC) is a day of learning, networking and sharing. A partnership between Washington State University and University of Idaho, the event is open to individuals of all gender identities who seek to support and empower women in leadership.

“Together, We Rise”

Join us to celebrate our differences, build common ground and create an empowered community of professional colleagues.

  • Gain an understanding of persistent barriers to collaboration, women’s leadership, and professional opportunities, with a focus on the impact of intersectionality.
  • Foster connections with colleagues and establish diverse, inclusive networking structures to support both personal and professional growth.
  • Develop and enhance skills and tools for continuous personal and professional development.
  • Learn effective strategies to empower and uplift the voices of all women, including those from marginalized and underrepresented groups such as Black, Indigenous, and women of color, LGBTQIA+ women, within the workplace.

Email the conference leadership committee at wlc@uidaho.edu.

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