SPRC 2024 Gregory L. Belenky Distinguished Lecture — ‘Studying Sleep in the Wild: From Pirates to Polar Bears’ Tuesday, March 19, at 12:10 p.m.

Nita Lewis Shattuck, PhD — professor in the Operations Research Department at the Naval Postgraduate School — will be visiting WSU Spokane to present the SPRC 2024 Gregory L. Belenky Distinguished Lecture. Her seminar entitled “Studying Sleep in the Wild: From Pirates to Polar Bears” will be in person in the Spokane Academic Center room 347 and through Zoom on Tuesday, March 19, 12:10–1 p.m.

Dr. Shattuck received her PhD in Behavioral Sciences from the University of Texas School of Public Health. She teaches courses in human factors engineering and human systems integration, directs thesis research, and pursues her research interests in human fatigue in operational settings, individual and team performance, and decision-making.

As the leader of the NPS Crew Endurance Team, she studies ways to improve the lives of military personnel. Her work has resulted in sweeping changes to U.S. Navy policy that now mandates the use of circadian-based watchbills and emphasizes benefits of crew rest practices. She is the recipient of multiple awards including the Department of the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the highest Navy award given to civilians.

We look forward to you joining us in person (SAC 347) or through Zoom!

Questions/Zoom link? Contact Michelle Sanchez at michelle.r.sanchez@wsu.edu.

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