$2.99/lb ground beef & Memorial Weekend meat sales

Cougar Quality Meats offers a variety of beef, pork, and lamb cuts perfect for grilling this Memorial Day Weekend, including classic favorites, New York strip steaks, ribeye steaks, and tenderloin steaks, in addition to newer and more affordable options, flat iron steaks, Denver steaks, and short ribs. Ground beef is on sale for $2.99/lb for a limited time.

The facility is located at 2155 Wilson Rd., just behind the Lewis Alumni Centre. Enter the retail store through the glass pane door next to the meat cleaver sign on the west side of the building. Summer hours will be maintained on Thursdays and Fridays, 3–5:30 p.m.

Direct questions to faculty coordinator, Blake Foraker, 509‑335‑4112, blake.foraker@wsu.edu.

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