Cyber security tips: Insider threat

Insider threats are people with legitimate access to the university network who use their access in a way that causes harm. Insider threats are difficult to detect and can go unnoticed for months or years. Whether the insider is a malicious employee or a contractor with compromised credentials, the university and university employees must stay vigilant, and act quickly and accurately to detect, investigate, and respond to these potentially damaging attacks.

Risks to be aware of include:

  • Someone asking for access to information they are not authorized to access
  • Someone asking you to bypass university policies or procedures
  • Someone accessing, processing, or transmitting many physical or electronic files out of the organization
  • Someone coming into the office or working remotely during strange hours
  • Someone trying to access another employee’s account or computer
  • Someone asking for access to university data centers
  • Significant changes in behavior or work performance

If you see any of these potential risks, notify your supervisor or the IT Security team. Always be sure to secure your computer and any terminals that you have access to and never share your password or credentials with anyone.

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