Status of Long Term Care Premium

On Friday, Dec. 17, 2021, Governor Inslee, and Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig and House Speaker Laurie Jinkins, released a statement communicating adjustments are being considered by the state legislature to make refinements to the Washington Cares Fund legislation. The announcement provided an option to private employers to delay premium collect. WSU, along with other state agencies, will begin collecting the WA Cares Fund premiums on Jan. 1, 2022, as required by state law.

The Legislature has the ability/opportunity to delay the collection of the Cares Fund premium, which the announcement states is their intention for the 2022 legislation session. In the event the law changes, WSU will comply with any changes required.

To review the WA Cares Fund benefit and provisions, visit and the HRS LTC website. The Governor’s and Legislature’s announcement is available by visiting the Governor’s website.

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