Palouse People | The Fallen Cougars Project

Monday, November 11, 7-8 p.m. Pullman Depot Heritage Center, 330 N. Grand Ave. in the Freight Room

Presented by Samantha Edgerton, Graduate Student, Washington State University Department of History. The Fallen Cougars Project honors former Washington State University students who made the ultimate sacrifice during World War II. Biographies of the soldiers, created using letters, newspaper clippings, and school yearbooks, capture their years at WSU as well as their military service. Their stories, as captured digitally, serve as a permanent reminder over the span of decades of not only changes that happen with the shifting of generations, but the similarities that connect the students of the university across time and space. With support from the Lawrence Stark Graduate Endowment in MASC, Samantha will share the stories of veterans she has researched.

Pullman Depot Heritage Center is a project of the Whitman County Historical Society

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