Research Infrastructure Town Hall – April 25

Faculty Senate is working with the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Vice President for Research to identify barriers to research support within the WSU system. Senate has collected specific concerns and created a document outlining these pre-award and post-award issues.  Both research faculty and grant support staff contributed to this document.  Both vice presidents are collaborating to produce an initial response document, which is not yet complete.   This ongoing process will be discussed briefly during the April 11 senate meeting.  Senate has scheduled a follow-up Town Hall on April 25 from 3:30 to 5 p.m.  To maximize system participation, this Town Hall will be available at all campuses via AMS and livestreamed below:

For remote attendees, you may interact via email or live chat.  For live chat, users will be required to have a Google account (gmail account).  These are free and can be obtained at  This project is ongoing; the initial response document is not yet complete.  Our goal was to quickly disseminate details about the process and timing so faculty and staff could schedule time to attend the Town Hall on April 25.  For more information, please email

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