Changing the Culture to Reduce Sexual Harassment in STEM Fields – Friday, March 29

You are invited to a talk in the Veterinary and Biomedical Research (VBR) building, room 305 at 12:10 p.m., presented by Dr. Sharona Gordon of the University of Washington.

Her talk is titled “Below the Waterline: How Every One of Us Can Contribute to Positive Culture Change to Reduce Sexual Harassment.”

According to the 2018 report on Sexual Harassment from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), Sexual Harassment is more prevalent in academia than in any other sector, save for the military.  The presentation will provide an overview of the NASEM report and present strategies to prevent Sexual Harassment that can be implemented by students, faculty, and staff without direct administrative support.

AMS dial up and rooms for Spokane and Vancouver will be announced.

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