LTD Open Enrollment: If I have a pre-existing condition, can I still enroll in Long-Term Disability coverage during March’s open enrollment?

Yes! During the March 1-31 open enrollment period, your request for LTD coverage cannot be denied due to a pre-existing condition.

You will need to have 12 months plus one day of continuous coverage, however, before the pre-existing condition would be covered. Unrelated medical conditions or disabilities that occur after May 1, 2019 would be events for which you could pursue an LTD benefit; it is only the pre-existing condition that is subject to the one year period before being eligible for a claim.

A preexisting condition means a mental or physical condition for which you sought medical treatment, received services, or took prescribed medications in the 90 days prior to May 1, 2019.

Visit the LTD Open Enrollment Post for additional information, including details on how to enroll or make changes during the LTD Open Enrollment Period.

Questions can be directed to HRS Benefit Services at (509) 335-4521 or Follow WSU HRS on Facebook or Twitter for updates.

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