2018 Administrative Professional Contribution Award

The Administrative Professional Advisory Council is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 11th annual Administrative Professional Contribution Award that will recognize an Administrative Professional employee’s exceptional contributions to WSU, the employee’s area or unit.  Exceptional is defined as beyond the expected or required performance; or have made a unique difference; or had far reaching, impelling or compelling impact to their work area. Nominations can highlight contributions made by the employee that address (but not limited to): productivity; innovative problem solving; positive working relationships; and/or university or community service.

The winner will be announced during the May 10, 2018 APAC meeting.  The nomination form can be found on the APAC website at https://wsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1GQNIX77iKqgiFf

Application materials required: Nominator Letter, 2 Letters of Support and Nominee Resume/CV

The deadline to submit your nomination is March 23, 2018.  For further information contact Gayle Anderson at anderson53@wsu.edu or 335-8350.

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