Faculty: Order textbooks by March 14 to help students

Faculty are encouraged to order textbooks for the summer and fall semesters through the Bookie by March 14.

The sooner textbook orders are received, the better the chances are that the Bookie can stock used copies for students. By submitting textbook orders early, faculty enable students to sell their textbooks back to the Bookie at a higher rate.

The Faculty Enlight online platform is available for faculty to search for textbooks, and submit textbook orders. Faculty can search for books by title or discipline, see which other schools have adopted titles, and read peer reviews.

Submit textbook orders through Faculty Enlight, or email textbook orders to wsubookie.textbooks@gmail.com.

Faculty are also encouraged to explore open education resources (OER). Grants and other funding opportunities are available for faculty to develop OER, and other means of lowering classroom material costs.

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