Scantron Services Transition Plan

The Scantron optical imaging service for exam processing has reached end of life in that it is difficult to obtain product support and maintenance.  This service has to be replaced with something that is equivalent or better.  This transition provides an opportunity for WSU, similar to many other higher education organizations who have already identified and successfully transitioned to more intuitive exam resources.

WSU’s Information Technology Services (ITS) would like to partner with faculty members and other stakeholders to explore similar options for this important and vital service.  We are committed to finding a replacement for the university that provides more comprehensive data on testing patterns and other key indicators, as well as giving instructors the ability to hone in on factors leading to increased student success and retention.  Newer testing resources can offer integration with learning management systems and other academic technologies, and potentially more stylistic options for questions including essay responses.

ITS is already assisting in scheduling pilots and demonstrations for a replacement service(s), and will be forming work groups to assist in procuring a solution for the university.  We have requested the Instructional Technology subcommittee under the Information Technology Strategic Advisory Committee (ITSAC) to convene and facilitate moving this effort forward.  Christopher Coons of Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI) will facilitate this effort.

Rest assured that the Scantron service will not be retired until replacement options have been properly vetted and ample notice given to our customer community about its replacement.

ITS deeply values our relationship with our university community and are confident we will implement a replacement service(s), working collaboratively.

Please contact Christopher Coons,,  with questions and concerns regarding the Scranton Services Transition Plan.

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