Disability Awareness Symposium

The Access Center is hosting a Disability Awareness Symposium in an effort to educate people about disabilities. The symposium will be held March 28 and 29 in the Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center.

The title of this year’s symposium is Equity and Inclusion: Bringing Disabilities to the Table.

Creating a diverse student body is a common goal in higher education, but people with disabilities are not always included among groups that make a population diverse. The symposium hopes to address that. “The symposium is a response to the fact that disability hasn’t been a part of the main diversity conversation at WSU,” Access Advisor, Rochelle Dach, said.

The event will be an opportunity for faculty to learn about the benefits of universal design, and how they can make learning more accessible to all students. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, but attendees can show up the day of the event. The symposium is free of charge, including breakfast and lunch both days.

The Access Center strives to make the event as accessible as possible, to request accommodations please contact access.awareness@wsu.edu. To register for the event please visit accesscenter.wsu.edu.

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