Dr. Arthur Romano keynote address Oct. 9

International peace educator and certified nonviolence trainer Dr. Arthur Romano will present his keynote address, “Civility and Difference: Sustaining Conversations that Matter on Campus,” at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, in the CUB Senior Ballroom. The address is open to all WSU faculty, staff and students.

His address will explore the possibility of having passionate and contentious conversations on campus without resorting to negativity, nastiness and name calling. Dr. Romano will also discuss how we can be honest and not sugar coat things while also respecting others.

Dr. Romano has implemented innovative educational programs in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and the US. These programs have supported thousands of students in learning practical strategies for building healthy communities, becoming global leaders and productively engaging with conflict.

Dr. Romano will host several workshops and discussions on campus Oct. 9-10. View the complete event schedule.

For questions regarding events, email Student Involvement Associate Director Berto Cerrillo at berto.cerrillo@wsu.edu. Events are sponsored by the Student Entertainment Board, Office of the Provost and WSU Housing & Residence Life.

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