“Common ground in an era of political polarization: the case of “green” consumption” CEREO Seminar

Dr. Emily Huddart Kennedy, Sociology, WSU

Wednesday, Sept. 27
PACCAR room 202, 3:10 p.m.
WSU Pullman

Politics is increasingly polarized. Within the context of environmental protection, conservative voters and governments have rejected efforts to mitigate climate change while liberals tend to endorse climate policies and programs. Amidst such polarization, I found evidence of some common ground when interviewing residents of Washington State. Both liberals and conservatives believe that green consumers–those who purchase goods and services intended to reduce environmental impact–are higher-status individuals and value their efforts. In this presentation I will discuss this area of overlap as well as the rifts and divides that still persist in our contemporary environmental political landscape.

Dr. Kennedy’s research interest is the sociological study of citizen engagement in environmental issues, which she operationalizes as spanning private consumption decisions and participation in environmental social movements.

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or check our online calendar for all environmental talks and events happening around campus: http://cereo.wsu.edu/seminars/


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