WANTED: Freshmen, seniors to take NSSE survey Feb.-April

Every two years, WSU freshmen and seniors are asked to take the National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE), which asks in depth about their student experiences here.  Responses help WSU and colleges and departments to improve programs; recent surveys have led the university to create support for undergraduate research, more support for internships, and more study abroad opportunities, for example.

The next set of emails will be sent throughout March from Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education, Mary Wack.

Could you encourage your students to take 15 minutes to complete the important survey?  All Pullman students who complete it before semester’s end will be entered in drawings for a $100 VISA gift card.  (Participants at urban/branch campus locations may be eligible for other gifts.)

Administrators and the NSSE Committee appreciate faculty and staff support.

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