APAC Monthly Meeting

The Administrative Professional Advisory Council (APAC) is pleased to host Lynn Valenter, Vice Chancellor from WSU Vancouver on the topic of “Effective Meetings”. Please join us for our March 9th meeting, 9:00-10:30am in Lighty 405.

Additional meeting locations are as follows:

WSU Spokane(SAC 415) WSU Tri-Cities(TWST 209) WSU Vancouver(MMC 101Q) Puyallup REC (Puyallup)(Chicona Room) University Centers -North Puget Sound WSU (Everett)(GWH 157)

The meeting can be viewed live by going to the WSU Experience website and selecting the APAC meeting http://experience.wsu.edu/Calendar/Calendar.aspx . You are welcome to also call in 509-335-9445 ID 07388.

Note: the Meetings are recorded and can be viewed at a later date on WSU Experience website.

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