Changes to student insurance plan

The WSU student insurance plan provided to graduate assistants and international students is switching to a new administrator, AmeriBen, for the 2016-2017 plan. Students can get details on costs and coverage for this year’s plan on our website at or contact us with any questions at

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Regents approve President Schulz’s system objectives

Members of the Washington State University Board of Regents approved President Kirk Schulz’s system objectives for the 2024-25 academic year among other actions during its Friday meeting.

Recent News

Confronting climate change

A look at how WSU is helping confront climate change through research, mitigation, and adaptation strategies.
Message from WSU Regents:

‘Thank you for your engagement’

Regents express their gratitude for the engagement of faculty, staff, students, and alumni in helping guide recruitment efforts for the next WSU president.

WSU researcher awarded $2.7M to study Lyme disease

Troy Bankhead will use the funding to study how the bacteria that causes Lyme disease evades its host’s immune system and establishes a persistent infection.