Annual Sick Leave Cashout

Each January, employees with accrued sick leave balances may exchange sick leave for cash. Employees whose year-end sick leave balance exceeds 480 hours may convert sick leave hours earned in the previous calendar year, minus those used during the year, to monetary compensation. No sick leave hours may be converted which would reduce the calendar year-end balance below 480 hours. Monetary compensation for converted hours is paid at the rate of 25 percent and is based on the employee’s current salary. All converted hours are deducted from the employee’s sick leave balance. Teaching and research faculty are not eligible. Civil Service employees and AP employees are eligible. Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements should refer to the appropriate agreement for eligibility information. Eligible employees should submit completed time/leave reports to their employing department. The processing deadline for payment is Jan. 25. Contact HRS at 335-4521 or Payroll Services at 335-9575.

Additional details in Business Policies and Procedures illustrating how reports should be completed:

Contact: Alice Smethurst

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