WSU professor to lead Oct. 13 workshop on rubrics

The next WSU faculty-led workshop will cover how to customize existing rubrics—and how to involve students in creating their own.

WSU English Professor Bill Condon is leading the workshop, titled Thinking Local: Building Effective Rubrics from the Ground Up. “To me, rubrics can ensure that our assessment of student work focuses on what we value about that work,” he said. The workshop, he said, will help students communicate within any discipline.

Condon will discuss WSU’s Critical Thinking Guide, how to adapt that approach, and data on the guide’s effectiveness. He will also report on his results with student-created rubrics. Condon asks students to judge one another’s writing, then create a list of strengths. Eventually, students transform this list into a rubric that describes good writing. “Using these criteria in peer review helps them internalize the process, and get higher scores,” he said.

Condon’s presentation will be 12:10 p.m.-1 p.m. Oct. 13 in CUE 512 on the Pullman campus, and will be live-streamed for those unable to attend in person. To join, please register here.

Other upcoming faculty-led workshops are:

  • Oct. 29: Motivating Students to Come to Class Prepared
  • Nov. 18: Engaging Students in Active Learning
  • Dec. 11: Improving Student Writing Without Grading Revisions

These workshops are sponsored by the WSU Provost’s Office, WSU Teaching Academy and WSU Academic Outreach and Innovation.

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