2015 America Saves Week – Feb. 23 thru Feb. 27

Set a Goal. Make a Plan. Make a Commitment. Start Saving.

Tip #3: Make a Commitment and Start Saving

“Saving money” can be a practice of setting money aside to address day-to-day expenses or unexpected expenses (such as car and home repairs), planning for a vacation, or putting money in a retirement plane. WSU has venues for you to address some of your savings goals:

• Create an emergency fund or save money for expenses or vacations by having a portion of your paycheck put directly into a savings account. The concept of “out of sight, out of mind” comes into play when these monies never show up in your checking account.
• Commit to saving for your future retirement. With as little as $1 a day you can save additional funds for your future. Start a Voluntary Investment Plans with TIAA-CREF of DCP (or both) for just $30 a month.

Questions about the savings account deposit can be directed to Payroll Services, 509-335-9575, payroll@wsu.edu.  Questions about the VIP plans can be directed to Human Resource Services, 509-335-4521, hrs@wsu.edu.

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