ASWSU Senate Presents: Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day

On May 2 the ASWSU Senate will host its 1st Annual “WSU Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day” Ceremony. The event will be held in the CUB Junior Ballroom at 6pm and is open for all faculty, staff, and their families.

ASWSU is very excited and committed to recognizing those who make a difference at WSU by having this event 100% student-lead. Nomination applications go live on March 24, and will close April 14 at 6 p.m.  If you wish to nominate a faculty or staff member please visit the ASWSU website. Applications can be left in the folder outside the ASWSU Office before the applications close.

During the week of the event, ASWSU has purchased a 3’x6′ banner thanking faculty and staff, where students will be able to sign. We are currently working with the CUB Administration to have this banner permanently hung in the first floor CUB to continue the excitement for this event.

Fifteen faculty and staff members will be commemorated for their efforts, and will be notified prior to the event. Please support this event in anyway possible, and be sure to nominate those who have greatly contributed to the “Cougar Experience” here at WSU. If have any questions please contact the Director of this event Dakota Renz at his email

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