Coffee & Politics with Chief Justice Barbara Madsen

Join the Foley Institute in welcoming Chief Justice Barbara Madsen to campus this Friday, March 28.

In recent years the Washington high court has become embroiled in a number of contentious political conflicts.  From same-sex marriage, to the level of legislative funding of public education, to the power of citizens to impose limits on the legislature’s ability to tax, the Court has  navigated a fine line between its role guarding constitutionally protected rights and its obligation to defer to the policy preferences of democratically elected majorities.  While some elected officials have argued that the Court has over-stepped its authority, others argue that it has acted as the bulwark of our state constitutional system.

Chief Justice Barbara Madsen is currently serving a second term as the 55th Chief Justice of the Washington State Supreme Court. She was first elected to the Washington Supreme Court in 1992, and was re-elected in 1998, 2004, and 2010.

Join us for pizza, pop, and interesting conversation. RSVP to

Friday, March 28
Noon – 1 p.m.
Foley Speaker’s Room
308 Bryan Hall

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