Undergraduate Research Awards for 2014-15: Applications Extended to April 18

Do you mentor undergraduates in research, scholarship, or creative activities? They can apply for Undergraduate Research Awards of $1,000 or more that will be given to dozens of students!

Deadline for applications extended to April 18Several awards are made through the Office of Undergraduate Research, a program in the Office of Undergraduate Education. They include:

  • The Scott and Linda Carson Undergraduate Research Excellence Award (being awarded for the first time)
  • Auvil Scholars Fellowships
  • Fuentes-Kirk Fellowships
  • James A. Weir Fellowships
  • DeVlieg Foundation Awards (for College of Engineering and Architecture students researching renewable energy)

The same online application is used for all of the awards.

Director Shelley Pressley notes the awards may have specific eligibility criteria. For more information visit http://UndergraduateResearch.wsu.edu .

Announcement of recipients will be this spring for Undergraduate Research Awards for the 2014-15 academic year.

Questions can be emailed to UGresearch@wsu.edu.

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