Applications due March 14: Smith Teaching and Learning Grants

Faculty members: Do you have innovative ideas that enhance teaching and learning at WSU?

You are encouraged by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education to submit proposals for a Smith Teaching and Learning Grant by the deadline of March 14.

Up to eight (8) grants of a maximum of $7,000 each will be awarded; recipients will be announced in April. Smith grants are typically used as summer salary (benefits are paid from the award amount).

Proposals are particularly sought that address:

  • Increasing student success in large classes
  • Devising model assessments for student learning in lower-division UCORE courses.

The Samuel H. and Patricia W. Smith Teaching and Learning Endowment was established on the occasion of President Smith’s retirement in 2000 following 15 years’ service as the WSU top administrator. The fund’s stated purpose is to “recognize and reward innovative ideas to enhance learning and teaching at WSU.”

Early-career faculty are particularly encouraged to apply for this year’s Smith grants. Because the philosophy of the fund is to “spread the wealth,” recipients of WSU teaching grants in the past five (5) years are not eligible to receive awards in 2014.

For detailed information about the grants and the application process (including FAQs), please visit .


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