The university has items in state spending bills expected to be signed by Gov. Jay Inslee and in 12 federal funding bills that have been either signed or in progress.
If embraced by the legislature, WSU would receive about $4.44 million annually in state support to establish two new academic programs to help meet the state’s cybersecurity workforce needs for the future.
Following is an overview of the WSU Supplemental Budget Request for 2008, approved Sept. 28 by the WSU Board of Regents. Operating Budget • Under funding of salary increases $1,388,000 The 2007 Legislature mandated special salary increases for state employees. Systems or formatting problems with our data caused many of our job titles for bargaining unit, […]
Gov. Christine Gregoire presented her proposed 2006-07 supplemental budget package on Dec. 20, including a recommendation that Washington State University be given authority to issue bonds to build its $63 million Life Sciences building on the Pullman campus. The bonds would be paid for through proceeds from the university’s Land Grant fund. Gregoire noted in […]
Gov. Gary Locke proposed a supplemental state budget Thursday, Dec. 18, designed to boost Washington’s economy by investing in state colleges and universities. WSU’s Director of Planning and Budgeting Karl Boehmke said that if the proposal were approved, it “could mark the best supplemental budget in many years.” Locke said his proposed $192.7 million general […]