
Ombudsmen listen to employee problems

In times of tight budgets and hiring freezes, it’s more important than ever for WSU offices to work together.   “In this economic environment, we’re left with what and who we have,” said WSU ombudsman Judy Krueger at the recent monthly meeting of the Administrative Professional Advisory Council. “Offices must work as a team, consider […]

Switchback complete in Faculty Senate

The switchback is complete. Chuck Pezeshki and Ken Struckmeyer have traded positions, making them chair and chair elect of the Faculty Senate once again. Pezeshki and Struckmeyer began in this configuration when elected in 2004, then switched places following the 2005 election, and now are switching back for a final year.Awaiting Pezeshki this fall was […]

Faculty Senate election features familiar duo

Batman and Robin, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, Laurel and Hardy, Pezeshki and Struckmeyer. Okay, the last two aren’t as well known as the first ones, unless you follow Washington State University’s Faculty Senates.It appears this well-known duo — Chuck Pezeshki and Ken Struckmeyer — will be appearing for a third time on the Faculty […]