Photo gallery from landmark gift announcement

Butch T. Cougar and the WSU Pep Band.

Washington State University announced a landmark $20 million gift from Edmund and Beatriz Schweitzer and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL). These investments will support the success of the next generation of students at WSU’s Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture.

Bob Hubner with WSU Photo Services was there to capture the excitement.

A conceptual rendering of the exterior of Schweitzer Engineering Hall.
Conceptual rendering of Schweitzer Engineering Hall
Edmund and Beatriz Schweitzer seated amongst other WSU and SEL leaders
Kirk and Noel Schulz
Edmund and Beatriz Schweitzer
Ed Schweitzer shares a laugh with Kirk Schulz and Elizabeth Chilton
WSU students reacting to the announcement
Voiland College Dean Mary Rezac
WSU and SEL leadership with Butch T. Cougar
Edmund and Beatriz Schweitzer
Ed and Beatriz Schweitzer, Kirk and Noel Schulz, and Butch T. Cougar

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