APAC to focus on diversity in higher education

Five people of various cultures laying one hand on top of another in middle of group huddle.

By Eric Hollenbeck, APAC Marketing Committee

The WSU Administrative Professional Advisory Council is hosting its inaugural panel discussion on diversity, 9 a.m.–noon Thursday, Feb. 14, in the Compton Union Building Senior Ballroom on the WSU Pullman campus. The presentation will be streamed live through WSU AMS video conference locations and on YouTube.

Participants attending in person or via AMS locations must register by Monday, Feb. 11, on the APAC Diversity 2019 website.

A panel discussion titled “Diversity: Do We Need It in Washington’s Higher Education Institutions?” will feature experts in diversity and inclusion from the Community Colleges of Spokane, Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, Whitworth University and WSU.

As universities and colleges around the state of Washington continue to become more diverse, it’s important for administrators, faculty and staff to have open and thoughtful conversations about diversity in higher education.

“This panel discussion is a new collaboration with other eastern Washington higher education institutions so we can learn from each other on topics of diversity,” said Naghmana Sherazi, event moderator and APAC professional development committee member. “Hopefully, this is the first step in expanding the conversation on diversity and leads to continued partnerships to provide collaborated learning for faculty, staff and administrators, so we can all benefit the experience and strategies of others.”

The event is sponsored by APAC and the WSU Office of the President. For questions about the event or to submit questions for the panel members, contact Karen Garrett, chair, APAC professional development committee at klgarrett@wsu.edu.

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