Dec. 5: WSU Press hosts holiday book fair

Collection of various WSU Press book covers.

The WSU Press will host its 27th annual holiday book fair 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5, in the Terrell Library Atrium on the Pullman campus.

The fair highlights books published throughout the year and is open to everyone. Festivities include discounts of 20‑50 percent on all titles, drawings for free books, and complimentary refreshments.

The fair also feature new titles on a variety of subjects—stories behind Seattle’s monuments; Tri‑Cities communities before plutonium processing; the Seattle 7 conspiracy; Captain Cook’s final voyage; low dose radiation; Pacific Northwest Volga Germans; Palouse railroads; and more.

Founded in 1928 and revitalized in the 1980s, WSU Press concentrates on telling unique, focused stories about the Northwest. For information about the book fair, contact WSU Press at 335‑7880.

Throughout the Holiday Book Fair week, Dec. 3‑7, sale prices will be valid for phone orders of all titles as well as online orders of new titles released since last year. Use coupon code HBF2018 to get the new titles discounts online.

For more information, see the WSU Press website.

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