Washington State Military Kids and Families Summit

PUYALLUP – The third annual Washington State Military Kids and Families Summit will focus on providing needed resources to military children and the people who support them.
The event, open to military families, educators, community leaders and the public, is Nov. 13 in Tacoma.
Workshops include how children cope with deployment, transitions and reunions.
Keynote speaker Dr. Michael Faran, M.D., will discuss the effects of deployment on children and youth. As director of the Military Child and Adolescent Center of Excellence at Madigan Army Medical Center at Fort Lewis, Faran assists families with the emotional toll of deployment and offers strategies to help youth through the process.
Also during the event, Nashville recording artists and military teens, the Gaddis Sisters, will be performing their hit song “The Price of Peace.”  Alyssa, 14, wrote and performed the song which speaks of support and love for soldiers and their families while 17-year-old Cassy provides backup vocals. The song is now used widely within the National Guard music campaign and can be accessed at www.thepriceofpeace.org.
A youth panel made up of teens that have a deployed parent will share how their lives have been impacted by military life. Conference participants will have an opportunity to ask the teens questions about their experiences.
The event is open to anyone interested in understanding and supporting military children. Online registration is $10 per military family member and $20 per professional through Nov. 12. On-site registration increases by $5 the day of the event. Lunch and refreshments are included. The conference takes place from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center located at 1500 Broadway in Tacoma. To register or get more information, please visit http://capps.wsu.edu/militarykids.
Sponsors for the event include TriWest Healthcare Alliance, King County Department of Community and the Human Services/Veterans Citizen Levy Oversight Board, Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington State Operation: Military Kids, MilSpec Advisory Group, LLC, and Operation: Military Family.
The Washington State Military Youth and Family Partnership planned and coordinated the event. The partnership includes Army, Air Force, King County Department of Community and the Human Services/Veterans Citizen Levy Oversight Board, Madigan Army Medical Center, Navy Region NW, US Army Reserve, US Department of Education Region X, US Department of Defense Regional Liaisons Office, Valley Cities Counseling, VFW, Washington National Guard, Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and WSU Extension.

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