Flores named Dir. Financial Aid & Scholarships Dept.


PULLMAN – Chio Flores will become director of Washington State University’s Financial Aid and Scholarships Department effective July 1.

Named associate director of the department in 2001, Flores will assume the post vacated by the planned June 30 retirement of Wayne Sparks, who has served in the position since January of 1996.

Flores joined the financial aid and scholarship staff at WSU in 1994 from Eastern Washington University, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in business administration, and worked in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Since coming to WSU, she has held several leadership positions in the areas of financial aid, scholarships and admissions. She was named acting director of WSU’s financial aid office at the time Sparks announced his retirement last July.


Sparks will have completed over 35 years in the field of student aid when he retires. He began his career in student financial aid in 1972 at Western Washington University, where he completed master’s degrees in education and business administration. He served as director of financial aid at WWU from 1977 to 1984.

His retirement event will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. this Friday, June 26, in Lighty 405.
For related article on Flores, click here.

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