Museum of Art cancels Paul Hawken lecture

Paul Hawken

PULLMAN – The Museum of Art at WSU has cancelled the upcoming lecture by Paul Hawken due to university-wide budget reductions.  The lecture was scheduled for Feb. 25.

“When we initially sent inquiries to other departments to gauge interest for this lecture last fall, we were gratified by the enthusiastic response.  However, that was before the seriousness of the state’s budget shortfall was understood.  In times when such restrictions are so wide spread, the Museum and its partners felt that the cost of Mr. Hawken’s lecture was a luxury we could not justify against other priorities,” said Chris Bruce, Museum of Art/WSU Director.

Bruce goes on to say “We are disappointed that the lecture is cancelled, and yet are pleased that Mr. Hawken was able to contribute an essay to the book that accompanies our exhibition, Chris Jordan’s Running the Numbers.  The exhibition itself will be on view until April 4, and we are delighted that it will provide such a special cross-disciplinary opportunity for so many departments across campus.”

This exhibition is being funded by Paul G. Allen Foundation, The Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington State Arts Commission, The Visual, Performing & Literary Arts Committee (VPLAC), Jack and Janet Creighton, and the Friends of the Museum of Art.

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