SPOKANE – WSU has issued a request for proposals from developers for approximately 3.5 acres on the Riverpoint Campus, east of Pine Street between Main Avenue and Spokane Falls Boulevard. The university will consider proposals for one or more 80-year maximum ground leases on four parcels.
Development proposals must address how the developer will plan, finance, develop, and operate mixed-use projects consistent with the Riverpoint Campus master plan, which will be updated this year, and consistent with the city’s University District Strategic Master Plan.
The deadline for receipt of proposal forms is April 17 at 2 p.m. PST. In a second phase, the university will negotiate with selected proposer(s), with the goal of executing a ground lease by August 15, 2008, subject to approval by the WSU Board of Regents.
The property includes the Jensen-Byrd brick warehouse building. Under the terms of the RFP, demolition of the building will not be considered in any proposal. For-sale condominium units will also not be considered.
The RFP encourages developers to create functional linkages to the neighborhood and campus, to utilize sustainable design strategies, and to develop health, research, student, and academic-related uses.
The City of Spokane has developed plans to extend Riverside Avenue to the south of the property. WSU proposes to extend East Main Avenue to terminate in a cul-de-sac, improving access to the property that is up for development. A number of private development projects in the immediate vicinity, along with the Nursing Building nearing completion just across Spokane Falls Boulevard, further enhance the opportunities at the site.
In fall of 2005, WSU put out an RFP to establish a public-private partnership for development of 4.9 acres at this site. In January 2008, the university terminated further consideration of that RFP.
For more information, visit related Web sites:
WSU Spokane campus development: http://www.spokane.wsu.edu/campusresources/development/index.asp
Spokane University District: www.spokaneuniversitydistrict.com