WSU faculty will learn from the best

PULLMAN – A proven grant-writing master will coach WSU faculty in how to create successful proposals during upcoming seminars and a workshop.

Stephen Russell, a winemaker and academician whose successful proposals continuously funded his cancer research for more than 25 years, will present seminars in Pullman and via videoconferencing to WSU statewide. As university department heads, he and his partner in Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops LLC began tutoring their faculty in grant writing; their success spawned their full-time business.

“Many faculty are age 42 or 44 before they get their first NIH R01 award  because they must learn how to write successful proposals as they go,” said Lynn Fister, faculty support coordinator for WSU grant and research development. “Russell’s training gives faculty the benefit of his experience and methodology so they realize success that much earlier.”

“It is probably the best grant-writing workshop I have attended,” is echoed in comments from many WSU faculty who have participated in Russell’s training at WSU in the past two years.

“Dr. Russell has a lot of university clients,” said Fister. “We’re one of only four workshops this year. We’re honored to have him at WSU.

“While other seminars emphasize filling out forms and conforming to directions, Russell emphasizes idea development and honing the details to give agencies what they want in the way they want it,” Fister said.

“Most faculty are trained in research, not to get the money to do that research,” she said. “The long-term effect of Dr. Russell’s work is training and helping our faculty to get their research funding.”

Grant-writing seminars/workshop

Write winning grants seminar, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 31, Schweitzer events center and locations statewide via videostream, $85, plus $65 workbook (required).

National Institutes of Health (NIH) career development award seminar, 8 a.m.-noon Nov. 1, New Engineering Building (ETRL) 101 and videostream, $60 and write winning grants seminar pre-requisite.

National Science Foundation (NSF) career award seminar, 1-5 p.m. Nov. 1, New Engineering Building (ETRL) 101 and videostream, $60 and write winning grants seminar pre-requisite.
More information visit 
Register by Oct. 23 Departments/units are encouraged to pay for their faculty.

Proposal writing workshop: Write and submit a competitive grant application. Beginning in November, as many as 30 individuals or teams who competitively apply and are accepted work with Russell individually online to identify and communicate a two-page pre-proposal for a specific project. He returns to WSU in January to go over proposals in person.

During the process, the pre-proposal and final proposal are reviewed by a group of colleagues chosen by the applicants; the pre-proposal also is sent to the appropriate agency project manager for comments.
Russell provides pages of feedback after reviewing final proposals in the spring.
The $3,051 cost is split between the WSU Office of Research and department(s). Write winning grants seminar is prerequisite. Contact Lynn Fister, or 335-3825, for more information.

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