Professional leave 2007-08 requests approved

Provost Robert Bates approved 58 requests for professional leave for 2007-2008. He noted there will be no additional costs to WSU for this program. Recipients and topics, according to college, are:

Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences
* Mary Deen, diversity director and extension specialist, human development, Nov. 2007-April 2008, Mexico and elsewhere, to improve cultural competencies and expertise in organizational change diversity models.
* Kimberlee Kidwell, professor, crop and soil sciences, Aug. 2007-May 2008, New Zealand, to expand expertise in technologies for novel wheat gene discovery.
* Craig MacConnell, extension director, Whatcom County, April-Sept. 2008, Scandinavia, to teach about integrating technology into energy policies and application.
* Louise Parker, program director, human development, March-Aug. 2008, U.S., to foster collaboration and integrate WSU research and outreach across health science and human science disciplines on campuses and communities in Washington.
* Robert Simmons, extension director, Mason County, July 2007-June 2008, U.S. and New Zealand, to work with professionals who have implemented successful approaches to watershed management.
* Philip Wandschneider, professor, economic sciences, July 2007-June 2008, U.S., Italy and Germany, to study economics of biofuels and strengthen capacity to work in behavioral and experimental economics.

* Joseph Cote, professor, marketing, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to better develop expertise on stakeholder theory and the impact of business on society and the environment. 
* Kristine Kuhn, associate professor, management and operations, Jan.-May 2008, U.S., to study how uncertainty in compensation systems affects employees and job applicants.
* David Lemak, professor, management and operations, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to work on entrepreneurship for Hispanic businesses.
* Charles Munson, associate professor, management and operations, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to write a book, “Applications of Global Sensitivity Analysis.”
* Bernard Wong-On-Wing, professor, accounting, Aug. 2007-May 2008, China, to assess applicability of U.S. accounting practices to accounting systems in business organizations in China.

* Jennifer Beller, associate professor, educational leadership and counseling psychology, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to write a book, “Moral Reasoning in Competition: Oxymoron or Possibility.”
* Susan Finley, associate professor, teaching and learning, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to network with poverty researchers and access technological support for data analysis and reporting.
* Paula Groves Price, assistant professor, teaching and learning, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to collect data on student voice, social justice and the arts in education; work on books and a grant proposal.
* Michael Hayes, associate professor, teaching and learning, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to write a book, “In Search of the Global Citizen; Education for a New World.”
* Linda Mabry, professor, teaching and learning, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to study and write books about state assessment directors and systems.
* Amy McDuffie, associate professor, teaching and learning, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., analyze data and write articles on mathematics teachers’ professional development; develop knowledge in discourse analysis and linguistics.
* Mary Roe, professor, teaching and learning, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to study and improve students’ literacy achievement. 
* David Slavit, associate professor, teaching and learning, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to investigate collaborative inquiry on teacher development, student learning and relationships with larger systemic structures.

Engineering and Architecture
* Amit Bandyopadhyay, professor, mechanical and materials engineering, Aug. 2007-May 2008, India and U.S., to develop next generation materials and structure for bone implants.
* Susmita Bose, associate professor, mechanical and materials engineering, Aug. 2007-May 2008, India and U.S., to develop next generation materials and structure for drug delivery and bone implants.
* Sinisa Mesarovic, associate professor, mechanical and materials engineering, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Serbia, to develop multiscale models for the process of active metal brazing.
* George Mount, professor, civil and environmental engineering, Jan.-May 2008, New Zealand, to work on a NASA project to build a new instrument to measure urban air pollution.
* Charles Pezeshki, professor, mechanical and materials engineering, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Canada, to generate a strategic plan for using software for activities involved with freshman retention programs.
* Bernard Van Wie, professor, chemical engineering and bioengineering, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Nigeria, to teach chemical engineering and do research on biomass conversion, bioprocessing and biosensing.
* Michael Wolcott, professor, civil and environmental engineering, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to research bio-based nanomaterials, develop new research program and pursue NSF grants.

Liberal Arts
* Laurie Drapela, assistant professor, criminal justice, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to complete study begun in 2004 and begin study of immigration, civic participation, political activism and social deviance.
* Andrew Duff, assistant professor, anthropology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to produce articles and a monograph based on project directed since 2002. 
* Monica Johnson, associate professor, sociology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to research adolescents’ work orientations.
* Jeff Joireman, associate professor, psychology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Canada, to examine how to make warnings about environmental problems more effective and develop computer programming skills.
* Moon Lee, assistant professor, communication, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to revise and resubmit five manuscripts for publication and continue research in health communications and new technologies.
* Amy Mazur, professor, political science, Aug. 2007-May 2008, France, to study equal employment policy for women. 
* Nancy McKee, associate professor, anthropology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to record interviews with low-income Mexican-American never-married mothers and with Chicano activist for composition of a life history.
* Susan Peabody, associate professor, history, Aug. 2007-May 2008, France and U.S., to write chapter of book studying origins and effects of the concept of free soil.
* Mitchell Pickerill, associate professor, political science, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to write book on analysis of interviews conducted with Americans met in public places to show how ordinary Americans understand the Constitution and its meaning.
* Eugene Rosa, professor, sociology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to write book monograph and research proposal comparing perceptions of genetically modified organisms with nuclear power.
* Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, associate professor, psychology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to spend time at eminent brain injury rehabilitation facilities to increase competitiveness for external funding in area of early stage dementia. 
* Mark Stephan, assistant professor, political science, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to develop grant application to internationalize research on
environmental information disclosure policies and gather data for book.
* Steven Weber, associate professor, anthropology, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Japan, India, U.S., to explore plants across space and time and early development of South Asian agricultural practices.
* Julie Wieck, associate professor, music, Aug.-Dec. 2007, Ukraine, to gain insight into vocal technique; develop Russian language skills; be vocal coach in English song; present recitals of American song.
* Horace Young, associate professor, music, Jan.-May 2008, U.S., to develop an orchestral realization of Joaquin Turina Turina, Miniaturas to be submitted for publication and recorded by the WSU orchestra.

* Vicki Croft, librarian 4, health sciences library, July 2007-June 2008, U.S., to work on lists of veterinary serials and international directory of veterinary libraries and librarians.
* Betty Galbraith, librarian 3, science and engineering library, July 2007-June 2008, U.S., to research history and create online resource regarding Alaska gas pipelines.
* Cheryl Gunselman, librarian 3, manuscripts, archives, special collections, Sept. 2007-Feb. 2008, U.S., to investigate history of library instruction programs in Pacific Northwest in early 20th century.

* Cynthia Corbett, associate professor, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., to foster working relationships with national consultants, prepare grant proposals and acquire experience conducting multilevel modeling.
* Dawn Doutrich, associate professor, Jan.-Dec. 2008, Japan, New Zealand, Guatemala, to provide evidence to describe the global competencies nurses will need to function well in the changing world.

* Sally Blank, associate professor, health sciences, Jan.-May 2008, U.S., to develop statewide multisite integrative and biobehavioral intervention for breast cancer survivors.
* Tracy Skaer, professor, health policy and administration, July-Dec. 2007, U.S., to gain expertise in using mindfulness as an intervention for stress reduction.

* Sukanta Bose, associate professor, physics and astronomy, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Germany and India, to analyze data and design techniques for detectors to search for signals from binary black holes, neutron stars and astrophysical sources.
* Mark Dybdahl, assistant professor, biological sciences, Aug.-Dec. 2007, Switzerland, to develop proposal for extramural funding on evolutionary ecology of immunity and virulence.
* Alexander Khapalov, professor, mathematics, Jan.-May 2008, Italy, to research and lecture on controllability associated with swimming phenomena.
* Alexander Li, professor, chemistry, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to study single-molecule detection.
* Haijun Li, associate professor, mathematics, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Canada and China, to strengthen research programs on extremal dependence and spatial reliability.
* Christine Portfors, assistant professor, biological sciences, Aug. 2007-May 2008, U.S., develop adaptive stimulus optimization technique to efficiently determine the preferred acoustic stimuli for neurons in the auditory midbrain.
* Eric Roalson, assistant professor, biological sciences, Aug.-Dec. 2007, U.S., to gather plant samples on islands of Oahu and Kauai.
* Andrew Storfer, assistant professor, biological sciences, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Australia, to work on the ecology of amphibian declines and recoveries induced by disease.
* David Watkins, professor, mathematics, Aug. 2007-May 2008, Germany and U.S., to do research on structured eigenvalue problems and on nonlinear optics.

Veterinary Medicine
* Stephen Greene, professor, veterinary clinical sciences, Sept. 2007-Feb. 2008, U.S., to develop techniques relevant to study of brain electrophysiology.

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