Lifelong learner leads in many areas

When you love what you do, life is a whole lot easier — and more enjoyable. 

For the past 15 years that love has taken Sandi Brabb from department manager to assistant director of veterinary and comparative anatomy, pharmacology and physiology (VCAPP). 

“I love my job. I love what I do,” said Brabb. “My job evolved from one of pure administration to more involvement with students, helping them with their academic and professional goals. After all, that’s what were here for — the students!”

When you look at Brabb’s duties, it might be easier to list what she does not do. From marketing to recruitment to advising, she does it all, which may be why she is a 2006-2007 recipient of the President’s Employee Excellence Award. 

“Sandi is a natural leader, and the students look up to her because she demonstrates all the qualities of a leader that they need to succeed,” said associate professor Dave Rector.  “Sandi’s commitment to the students shows because she is at every WSU recruiting event telling potential students about WSU — and dragging as many faculty as she can along with her.”

Brabb is also active on a wider WSU level. She was president of the former Staff Senate and is past chair of the Commission on the Status of Women. 

“She applies her talents not only in the area of her job, but also contributes to a healthy university by her efforts in service outside the department and program,” said Bryan Slinker, professor and chair of VCAPP. 

Brabb also keeps busy beyond the university. She and her husband have a farm, run a business in Colfax and have a family. Despite what many people would see as a hectic schedule, Brabb remains upbeat about coming to work. 

“This place is just filled with fantastic people. I constantly find myself thinking ‘Gosh, I wish I had some of that knowledge,’ ” said Brabb. “I am a proponent of lifelong learning, and for that there is no better place to be than a university!”

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