Owen Science Library bear named Sundance

The Alaskan Brown Bear on display in the Owen Science & Engineering Library has a name.

During September and October, the WSU Libraries sponsored a contest to “Name That Bear!”  A total of 527 entries were submitted for the contest, which offered a $25 gift certificate to the Bookie as the top prize. The Libraries would like to thank everyone who entered for their interest and participation.

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the contest is WSU Maintenance employee Steve Gray, who suggested the name “Sundance.”  In reference to the movie “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” those judging said that Sundance is the perfect name for a bear who will be sharing the campus with Butch.

The Libraries would also like to give special recognition to Brandon Brackett, WSU Residence Education Director, for his campaign efforts to name the bear after Comedy Central personality Stephen Colbert.  Brandon formed a Facebook group entitled “Name the Owen Science Library Bear after Stephen Colbert,” which peaked at 860 members.  Members of the group contacted Comedy Central and Stephen Colbert in attempts to raise support, and variations on the name “Stephen Colbear” garnered an amazing 40 percent of the votes. 

The winner name was selected by a committee consisting of Annette Hanson, the bear’s donor, and WSU Libraries faculty and staff.

For more information about the Owen Science & Engineering Library, please visit http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/science/owen.htm.  For more information about the Conner Museum, visit http://www.sci.wsu.edu/cm/.  This contest was sponsored by the WSU Libraries, which can be visited online at http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/.

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