Professor appointed to education policy board

VANCOUVER – June Canty, professor and director of Education Programs at Washington State University Vancouver, has been appointed by Gov. Christine Gregoire to the 21-member Professional Educator Standards Board.

The board’s mission is to bring greater focus and attention to certified education professions. They are the policy and rule-making board for all matters related to teacher, educational specialist, and administrator certification issues. They also oversee effectiveness of new basic skills and subject matter assessments to be required of all new teachers prior to state certification.

Canty applied for the position, one of three on the board given to representatives from higher education.

“The decisions this board makes have a huge impact on all of our education students,” she said. “It’s critical they make good, sound decisions and I want to help guide those decisions.”

The board meets for two days every second month, with great amounts of homework in between meetings. The WSU Vancouver College of Education has named Paul Goldman as assistant director, to assist in managing daily responsibilities.

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