Lovrich suggests ways to manage time

Managing time doesn’t have to be challenging. The following are some suggestions on how to organize a schedule for success:
Identify goals and priorities.
Know when you are most productive and alert and schedule more intensive tasks then.
List big tasks as far in advance as possible; break them into workable bites; and commit more time than necessary to meeting them.
Use a scheduling device consistently (electronic or paper) to chart out tasks. Evaluate your efforts daily and make realistic adjustments. (See the “tasks” and calendar functions in Microsoft Outlook, available to employees.)
Identify time stealers and how to overcome them.
Use less productive times to do mundane, routine tasks.
Alternate topics, never work on one project or topic for a long time. You will retain more knowledge and stay more interested.
Schedule time to relax and exercise, so you are on top of your game.
Eat wisely, choose quantities and types of food that will keep you at peak performance when working.
Get sufficient sleep, your performance and health will suffer if you don’t.
Check the Web. Type “time management” into any search engine to find time-assessment charts, printable calendars and additional tips to suit any schedule.
Use SkillSoft online training, www.hrs.wsu.edu/skillsoft; it’s free to all faculty, staff and students.

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