University Relations takes three awards in competition

PULLMAN – University Relations staff members at Washington State University received three awards this year in the annual communications awards competition sponsored by the District VIII Council for Advancement and Support of Education. The awards were presented during the CASE VIII District Conference, Feb. 22-24, in Vancouver, British Columbia.

“It is wonderful to see the university’s integrated Marketing Communications efforts recognized again in this prestigious competition,” said Sally Savage, vice president for University Relations. “Our communication professionals are the best in their fields. They deserve a lot of credit for advancing the university’s strategic goals through their outstanding work.”

Honors included:

* A silver award was received in the public relations projects category, for WSU’s “Fall 2005 Innovators Lecture” series. Project staff members include Tammey Boston, John Sutherland, Phyllis Shier, Doug Garcia, Christi Weber, Beth Castleberry, Dan Nordquist, Mary Gresch, Marcia Garrett, Carol Kowalski, Devon Anderson, Valerie Boydo, Sonia Hussa and Valoree Gregory.

* A bronze award in the visual design, illustration and photography, which went to WSU graphic designer Doug Garcia and freelance illustrator R.J. Shay for illustrations created for the “Fall 2005 Innovators Lecture” invitation.

* A bronze award in the category of visual design, illustration and Photography  went to Bill Wagner, a freelance photographer on assignment for Washington State Magazine, for his photo for the magazine article, “Where Water Meets Desert.”

This year’s District VIII CASE Communications Awards competition attracted 614 entries. Of those, 116 earned grand gold, gold, silver or bronze awards. The competition, which draws marketing and communications entries from 46 higher education institutions in Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Manitoba, Montana, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Washington and the Yukon, is one of the oldest and largest programs of its type among CASE districts nationally.

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