Contractors make room, trees moved nearby

Making room for construction at Johnson Hall has proven to be a major landscaping bonus for Washington State University’s recently remodeled Ag Pavilion, located a few hundred feet up the street on Wilson Road.

Several trees from the Johnson site are being plucked from their long-time home by workers from Big Trees ‘R Us and moved to the new location.

Other trees will be moved to a site in Potlatch owned by Big Trees ‘R Us, where they will be sprayed and nurtured, until they can be moved back to other WSU sites, like the new energy plant on Grimes Way.

Not all trees will be saved and relocated. Each one is evaluated based upon national standards concerning health, condition, location, species, value, and the cost of moving and storage.

The cost for most transplanting efforts is paid through a major capital tree replacement fund.

The university’s tree replacement policy was approved in 1989.

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Regents approve President Schulz’s system objectives

Members of the Washington State University Board of Regents approved President Kirk Schulz’s system objectives for the 2024-25 academic year among other actions during its Friday meeting.

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