WSU Regents updated on presidential search, funding for Foley Institute

SEATTLE, Wash. — Washington State University’s Board of Regents heard a
report today from Presidential Search Committee Chair and Regent Peter
Goldmark. The regents were meeting at the Washington Athletic Club in

Goldmark said he has been meeting with a variety of constituent groups both
inside and outside the university, seeking input. To date, the committee has
received some 43 letters and e-mails from interested individuals who added
their input to the search criteria. He said there is now a pool of 34 highly
qualified candidates being evaluated.

The regents also heard from President Samuel Smith, who reported that a total
of $3 million dollars in federal funding has been earmarked for WSU’s Thomas
S. Foley Institute. Previously, the Institute was to receive $1.5 million through
the funding package. Washington Senator Patty Murray was instrumental in
securing the additional funding. The money will be used to enhance and
expand public services by the Institute.

In other business, the regents approved an increase in tuition for summer
school. Under long-standing university policy, summer session tuition and fee
rates are derived from rates enacted during the current academic year.

The regents also heard a report on a proposal to implement changes in the use
of tuition waivers for targeted students. The action is expected to increase
enrollment, improve student quality and increase revenue.


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