Notices and Announcements

APAC DEI Mastermind Group

A mastermind group is a group of peers looking at a similar issue within their organization, unit, or department. This mastermind pilot would bring together 5–6 directors from any unit across the system to explore the question: “How do I incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into my unit?” This pilot program would be meet once per […]

Retirement celebration

Please join the Technical Services team for an open house in honor of Dave Savage’s retirement. Come celebrate his nearly 30 years of service and share your memories. The celebration will be held on Friday, March 3, from 3 to 5 p.m. in Webster B36 on the Pullman campus.

Kids’ Science and Engineering Day

This event is the 14th annual Kids’ Science and Engineering Day (KSED), and it is an opportunity for students in grades K–5 to learn about basic science and engineering principles through fun, hands‑on activities. KSED is a partnership between WSU and various organizations across the university. The event will be held on Saturday, March 25, from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. in […]

Arts & Sciences Pullman Three Minute Thesis Contest

A great opportunity to learn about fascinating & important research! PhD students in the arts & sciences will compete to explain their doctoral research and its significance in just three minutes — in terms just about anybody can understand — in the CAS Pullman Three Minute Thesis Challenge on Wednesday, March 8, at 11 a.m. in SPARK Atrium. Winner of the CAS […]

Public Square discussion: Race-based college admissions

Join us at the CCE Public Square as a distinguished panel will discuss the phenomenon of race-based college admissions policies. This discussion examines one of the most important — and contentious — aspects of higher education and higher education policy today. An expert panel with professionals who have much to say about what the racially-conscious […]

Washington Saves Week: Feb. 27–March 3

In recognition of Washington Saves Week, the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) will be offering three Lunch & Learn live webinars next week focusing on saving. The webinars will be 10–15 minutes followed by Q&A. Registration is not required, and sessions will begin promptly at noon. For the webinars you would like to attend, select the […]

Registration is open! Clinical Health InterProfessional Scholarship (CHIPS) mini-course

This half-day, virtual, interactive activity is geared toward educators in clinical health profession programs of all levels who wish to further develop fundamental educational scholarship skills necessary to succeed as a clinical health educator. In this virtual mini-course, participants will: Create a plan for medical education scholarship Use statistical methods in evaluating educational interventions Collaborate […]

IPN Seminar: Julianna Brutman final defense

The Department of Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience invites you to a seminar presented by graduate student Julianna Brutman. Monday, Feb. 27, at noonMeeting Hosted in VBR 305WSU Pullman Zoom:Join Zoom sessionMeeting ID: 939 5840 2464Passcode: 632651

APAC DEI Mastermind Group

A mastermind group is a group of peers looking at a similar issue within their organization, unit, or department. This mastermind pilot would bring together 5–6 directors from any unit across the system to explore the question: “How do I incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into my unit?” This pilot program would be meet once per […]