April Student Leader of the Month

Last year, the Leadership Center at Washington State University began an initiative to more deeply appreciate and honor our student leaders through individual recognition. The inaugural Student Leader of the Month award aims to distinguish student leaders that impact the WSU community through leadership, as well as encourage others to learn and engage with student leadership offerings at WSU. In order to be considered for the Student Leader of the Month award, a nomination must be submitted by a student, staff, or faculty member of Washington State University. After reviewing nominations, Leadership Center staff have selected Miss Anita Mendoza to receive the honor of Student Leader of the Month at Washington State University for the month of April, 2017.

Anita Mendoza has been an active member of MEChA for four years, and currently serves as the committee’s chairwoman. Anita is also involved in Greek Life and has been an active voice for the multicultural student community, coordinating multiple large events held by MEChA that have continued and expanded their mission of providing support and community for Chican@/Latin@ students.

“I never thought of myself as a leader, I would just do my best in my positions and it just happened that I would be chosen and put into leadership positions in my organizations. I do my best to fulfill my duties and push the people around me to do the same. I love to help people and I always see the potential that others have. I got involved my freshman year and I just jumped into a position my first semester with MEChA because I thought it would be a good way to meet new people and get involved.

I found out what I am passionate about when I was in my different organizations and learned more about my culture and my history and the impact one individual can have on the communities. I really used my support systems to help me be able to overcome challenges; my friends, family and sorority sisters have been my biggest support when I don’t think I can keep going, they are the ones who push me to be better than I was yesterday. Some tips I have are to not be scared to jump into a position in a new organization; put yourself out there and challenge yourself to do something different than what you are used to.” – Anita Mendoza, April 2017 recipient

If you know a Cougar student who has demonstrated exemplary leadership in the WSU community and is deserving of this award, please submit a nomination today at lead.wsu.edu.

Questions or comments may be directed to sild.lead@wsu.edu. Go Cougs!

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