Call for Nominations – Faculty Status Committee

If you are, or if you know of a colleague who is, interested in important university-level service, please consider self-nominating or nominating your colleague to serve on the Faculty Status Committee (FSC) (qualifications listed below).

The FSC is an independent investigative faculty committee elected by the WSU faculty at large (across all campuses and extension) to hear appeals of non-reappointment, denial of tenure, or deferral of promotion. We investigate on the grounds of substantial procedural irregularity, inadequate consideration, and/or violation of academic freedom. The FSC can also be asked to hear and investigate other appeals as outlined in the Faculty Manual. The number of appeals made to the FSC vary from year to year. Investigations generally occur in the spring, and reports are forwarded to the appellants and the President by May.

Through this service, you will learn a great deal about university policies and procedures, the Faculty Manual, and colleagues and administrators across the breadth of the university.

Qualifications: Historically, faculty who serve on the FSC must be tenured, have at least the rank of Associate Professor, have six years of consecutive service at WSU, and not hold administrative appointments that involve participation in tenure/promotion decisions. However, this year we will add three career track faculty to the committee for the first time to expand representation of the faculty. Qualifications for career track faculty members are six years of consecutive service at WSU as career track faculty and not holding an administrative appointment involved in promotion decisions. Preference is given to career track faculty with at least the rank of Associate Career Track Professor.

Historically, the FSC consists of nine members who serve staggered three-year terms; they are precluded from serving two consecutive terms. The election will take place in April. This year our elections will be filling three regular 3-year terms, one 1-year term, and three career track 1-3 year terms.

Current members and the year their term ends are as follows: Carolyn Ross (CAHNRS), co-chair (2020); Babu John Mariadoss (CCB), co-chair (2020); Sarah Ullrich-French (Education) (2020), Jennifer Sherman (CAS) (2020), T. Randy Fortenbery (CAHNRS) (2021), Vilma Navarro-Daniels (CAS) (2021), Kerri McCarthy (CAS) (2022), Mary Paine (Pharmacy) (2022), R. Dave Evans (CAS) (2022).

To submit a name for the nomination process, please email  or by March 16, 2020. The new term will begin August 16, 2020.

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