Topics: Diversity; Grant; Energy

Faculty diversity award deadline Dec. 14
Nominations and applications for WSU’s inaugural Faculty Diversity Award are due Dec. 14. The award was created by the provost and the Division of Student Affairs, Equity and Diversity to recognize faculty achievement in teaching, research and service as it relates to advancing the understanding of underrepresented groups.

The winner will be recognized at the Martin Luther King, Jr. convocation on Jan. 19.

For criteria and to nominate someone or apply for the award yourself, visit ONLINE @

Grant helps prepare work-ready engineers
Helping to better prepare students for 21st century engineering, Denny Davis, professor in the School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, has received a two-year, $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to test a variety of assessment tools for the capstone senior engineering design course. The tools could eventually be used by faculty throughout the country to better assess students’ true readiness for the engineering workplace.

New center to improve energy efficiency
The WSU Extension energy program has received a grant to establish one of two regional information centers in the nation to accelerate application of proven energy efficiency technologies in buildings. The U.S. Department of Energy awarded a total of $4.1 million to WSU and to the University of Central Florida to develop and implement the two regional centers.

“Our focus during our initial phase will be on energy efficiency strategies for new homes, for commercial building lighting and for public facilities such as state and local government buildings and schools,” said Todd Currier, program division manager.

The center will serve as an informational resource and catalyst for improvements in energy efficiency in buildings in Alaska, Idaho, Montana Oregon and Washington.

The center team also will develop and implement a marketing and outreach strategy to reach target audiences in each of the states it will serve.

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WSU researchers awarded new NIH grant to study medical ableism

College of Medicine researchers received a $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study medical ableism through a national survey of people with disabilities.