Pacific Northwest livestock judges; show

PULLMAN – The 2008 Pacific Northwest Livestock Judges and Show Management School is scheduled June 26-28 at WSU.
The school is sponsored by WSU, the University of Idaho and Oregon State University. It provides a learning opportunity for new and
experienced judges, show managers, fair superintendents, livestock sale committee volunteers, 4-H Leaders, FFA advisors, parents, producers.
The event has been organized to improve the livestock industry by developing participants’ skills to effectively and accurately evaluate exhibition food animals; promote positive youth development; and showcase the benefits of animal agriculture and youth development programs.
Registration deadline is June 1. Registration for the Livestock Judges Track is limited, register early to secure your spot.
Participants can select either the Judges or Show Management Track. Individuals completing the Show Management Track will gain many helpful tools to improve the quality of their fairs and livestock shows.
The Show Manager’s Track
Focuses on financial management and accounting of the sale of market animals, emergency planning, show management and livestock sale software, and expectations of the turned animal buyers. Management section will feature state and national experts on these topics.
The Judge’s Track
Focuses on beef, meat goats, sheep, and swine. The sheep and meat goat section will feature. Frank Craddock, extension sheep and goat Specialist from Texas A & M. Craddock has coached a national champion collegiate livestock judging team, a national champion collegiate wool judging team (five times) and a state champion 4-H livestock judging team.
The Swine and Beef Cattle Evaluation
Is led by Mark Boggess, director of Animal Sciences with the National Pork Board. Boggess has owned and operated purebred cattle and swine operations. Both Boggess and Craddock are recognized for their excellent communication skills and their knowledge of both the show and production livestock industries.
Completion of the livestock judges track will certify the person as a livestock judge and contact information will be distributed to shows and other livestock events throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Registration for the Livestock Judge’s Track costs $175 for three full days. The fee includes a judge’s notebook, three lunches, a banquet, and refreshment breaks.
Registration for the Show Management Track is $100 for two days. The fee includes a notebook, two lunches, a banquet, and refreshment breaks.
For more information and to register contact:
Sarah M. Smith, WSU Grant/Adams Extension, at (509) 754-2011, ext. 413
Jerry Newman, WSU 4-H Livestock Program, at (509) 338-5938
Tiffany Boswell, 4-H Program Assistant, at (509)335-4128.

Complete registration information is also available at or

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